Published: 2019-07-15

Legal titles from which nullity of marriage cases could be conducted, in which acrotomophilia played an important role

Kinga Szymańska
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Rozprawy i artykuły


In the presented study, the author reflects on the nature of acrotomophilia in the context of conducting a trial in a church court. The analyzes show that in the case of acrotomophilia, we are dealing with a serious sexual disorder. The conducted analyzes show that acrotomophilia may have a destructive influence on marital life, leading to its breakdown. Hence, this study shows that in church courts, marriage nullity cases could be conducted out of consensual incapacity (can. 1095, n. 2-3 CCI) and deception (can. 1098 CCI).


paraphilia, paraphilic disorders, canonical marriage law, marriage nullity, marriage proces

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Szymańska, K. (2019). Legal titles from which nullity of marriage cases could be conducted, in which acrotomophilia played an important role. Ius Matrimoniale, 30(3), 97–109.

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