Published: 2019-10-15

The relation of the teaching of Pope Francis contained in the Amoris laetitia exhortation to the current post-Conciliar Magisterium

Jarosław Młot
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Rozprawy i artykuły


The apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, issued by Pope Francis on April 8, 2016, is the fruit of as many as two synodal sessions. The great interest in the subject of these synods, not only in Church circles, resulted from the expectations of some for a change in the position of the Church's discipline in the admission of the divorced and remarried persons to Communion.

The publication of the exhortation caused a lot of discussion among scientists and priests alike. The article is only an attempt to indicate the subject of these discussions.

The statements of people regarding the relation of the teaching contained in Amoris laetitia to the current post-Conciliar Magisterium can be divided into those that express doubts about the texts of this document and those that read it in the key of the hermeneutics of continuity. The article attempts to show the most important directions of interpretation of the exhortation.

The Pope did not intend the exhortation as a document containing general norms applicable in all cases. That is why he set the bishops of individual regions of the world to create guidelines for this exhortation that would be adequate to the traditions and calls of their region. The article describes some sample local documents.

The discussion merely outlined in the article and the differences in the interpretation of the exhortation texts shown in it show the need for further study on it.


the exhortation Amoris laetitia, interpretational doubts, hermeneutics of continuity, admitting the faithful to the sacraments

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Młot, J. (2019). The relation of the teaching of Pope Francis contained in the Amoris laetitia exhortation to the current post-Conciliar Magisterium. Ius Matrimoniale, 30(4), 55–79.

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