Published: 2021-06-15

Exclusion of the good of the offspring and estimated fear in the judgment of c. Ferreira Pena of 18 April 2012

Rafał Kamiński
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Orzecznictwo sądowe


In the presented study, the author commented the judgment of the Roman Rota, c. Ferreira Pena of April 18, 2012. At the Rota’s stage, the case was considered for a partial simulation (exclusio boni prolis) and for severe fear (metus reverentialis).
In the legal part of the rotating judgment there was shown, among others, the relationship between the circumstances of premarital life and the reason for simulating a marital consensus, for which a positive act of will is needed. The incompatibility of the simulation and fear titles was also pointed out, hence the second title was not considered. On the other hand, in the factual part ponens pointed out that the nullity of the marriage had been proved using both direct and indirect proving. In the case conducted it was shown that what prompted the defendant to simulate was the lack of love for the defendant and submission to the circumstances of family life and social pressure. It has also been proven that the exclusion of offspring by the defendant was closely related to the constant practice of taking contraceptives.


canonical marriage, defect matrimonial consent, simulation, judgment, exclusion of the good of the offspring, severe fear, metus reverientalis

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Kamiński, R. (2021). Exclusion of the good of the offspring and estimated fear in the judgment of c. Ferreira Pena of 18 April 2012. Ius Matrimoniale, 32(1), 125–151.

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