Editorial policies in relation to the journals published at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW) is based on the Libre Open Access standard. This means that all articles published in journals at the UKSW are available, i.e. they are immediately available and free of charge for reading, downloading, and sharing. It also means that published articles cannot only be read, but also reused by others. Libre Open Access articles may be placed on any website, used for lectures, or may be included in so-called readers without authorization of the author or publisher. However, a proper reference to the author and license must always be included.
The policy regarding copyrights of articles published at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University’s journals is as follows: full copyright of published articles is retained by the authors.
Articles published in journals published at UKSW are under the terms of a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0 International which permits:
Under the following terms:
Publication Fees Policy: Authors do not bear any costs associated with the publication of their articles, i.e. article processing charges (APCs), language editing fees, colour charges, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other supplementary charges. Authors also do not receive any financial gratification for the published articles.
Policy regarding depositing different versions of materials submitted to journals published at UKSW is as follows: authors are allowed to deposit: 1) submitted version, 2) accepted version, and 3) published version of their articles in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.