Published: 2024-01-11

Obowiązki państwa pochodzenia marynarza związane z pośrednictwem pracy

Dorota Pyć
Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego
Section: Articles


This paper presents a few general comments on labour-supplying responsibility taking into account the Polish legal perspective. The MLC Convention is an important regulatory instrument at the international level in relation to seafarers’ living and working conditions. In particular, the MLC Convention requires that the state provides seafarers with access to an effective and well-organized recruitment and placement system. In line with this issue, Poland is in compliance with laboursupplying responsibilities. In Poland, recruitment and placement activities for seafarers are regulated primarily by the provisions of the Act on Maritime Labour
2015. It includes instruments such as: audit and certification of employment agencies, ensuring effective supervision and control over entities involved in arranging work for seafarers.

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Pyć, D. (2024). Obowiązki państwa pochodzenia marynarza związane z pośrednictwem pracy. Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego, 16(1), 25–42.

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