Published: 2021-10-30

The status of the social organization in the proceedings after the animal's seizure. Approval commentary to the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of 24 February 2020, ref. no. II OPS 2/19.

Filip Zieliński-Andrysiak
"Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów i Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UKSW
Section: Artykuły


In the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of 24 February2020, ref. no. II OPS 2/19, it was ruled that the social organization whose representative has intervened to seize an animal pursuant to Article 7 paragraph 3 of the Animal Protection Act has the status of a party. Some administrative courts granted the organization the status of a party, some of the entity on the rights of a party, and some completely removed it from the proceedings. The author of this commentary agrees with the resolution. However, the justification has been criticized. The status of a party of the organization and its legal interest should be derived from the dualistic nature of the proceedings, what the Supreme Administrative Court failed to take into account. The effects of the ruling were also analysed, as was the situatin of the owner, the organization and the animal itself.

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Zieliński-Andrysiak, F. (2021). The status of the social organization in the proceedings after the animal’s seizure. Approval commentary to the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of 24 February 2020, ref. no. II OPS 2/19. "Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów I Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa I Administracji UKSW, (1), 3–12.

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