Opublikowane: 20-12-2024

Kenny Ang, Aquinas and the biblical grounds of the doctrine of creation. An analysis of Thomas Aquinas’s Creation Theology in the Light of His References to Scripture, Roma: EDUSC, 2024, s. 375

Piotr Roszak
Studia Gdańskie
Dział: Recenzje i omówienia


Kenny Ang, Aquinas and the biblical grounds of the doctrine of creation. An analysis of Thomas Aquinas’s Creation Theology in the Light of His References to Scripture, Roma: EDUSC, 2024, s. 375

Słowa kluczowe:

tomizm biblijny, egzegeza, stworzenie

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Zasady cytowania

Roszak, P. (2024). Kenny Ang, Aquinas and the biblical grounds of the doctrine of creation. An analysis of Thomas Aquinas’s Creation Theology in the Light of His References to Scripture, Roma: EDUSC, 2024, s. 375. Studia Gdańskie, 54, 148–150. https://doi.org/10.26142/stgd-2024-011

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