Published: 2022-12-29

History of the Catholic Church in the Iceland based on the publication in the journal “Catholic Missions”.

Grzegorz Adamiak
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the journal “Catholic Missions” published by the Jesuits was one of the key missionary periods providing information on the missionary tasks of the Church. The published articles also presented the progress of the mission work on Iceland. Over 50 years of history, nearly 20 different origins of texts about history of Christianity in Iceland was published. On them you can very briefly have a situation of Catholicism in Iceland. It is not a comprehensive and structured lectur, but rather a basic information for the polish reader about the most important events and people. Reading and referring to these publications may encourage further reserch and study of the history of the Catholic Church in Iceland.


Catholic Missions, missions, Iceland, Catholicism in Iceland, Reformation

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Adamiak, G. (2022). History of the Catholic Church in the Iceland based on the publication in the journal “Catholic Missions”. Gdańsk Studies, 50, 80–92.

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