Published: 2022-12-30

The World of Plants in the Life and Teaching of Jesus

Andrzej Najda
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


Plants have accompanied man since the beginning of his existence. God commands the earth to bring forth "green plants: seed-bearing grasses, fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds" (Gen 1,11). Plants are to be used as food for humans and animals (Gen 1,29). In his teaching, Jesus often refers to the world of plants, especially in the parables. Jesus refers to the world of plants when he reveals who he is and calls himself "the true vine" (J 15,1). Plants also play an important role in His earthly life.


Jesus, plants, teaching, parables

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Najda, A. (2022). The World of Plants in the Life and Teaching of Jesus. Gdańsk Studies, 51, 7–17.

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