Published: 2023-12-22

(Not) clothes make a man. On the importance of clothing in the double work of St. Luke

Andrzej Najda
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


Clothes have a significant role in a person’s life. Its having is one of the basic human needs, it protects the body, decorates a person, and sometimes indicates a special task performed by someone or an office held by him. Luke, who is an excellent observer and narrator, draws a lot of attention to clothes, their types, use and meaning, at various moments in life. By showing the way individual people dress, he makes a specific characterization of the characters, especially Jesus and John the Baptist. In this way he builds paradigms of family life, clothing and lifestyle. His actions certainly do not contradict the words of Jesus: “life is more than food, and the body than clothing” (Luke 12:23).


clothing, Gospel according to St. Luke, Acts of the Apostles

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Najda, A. (2023). (Not) clothes make a man. On the importance of clothing in the double work of St. Luke. Gdańsk Studies, 52, 21–32.

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