Published: 2024-12-20

The Content and Dynamics of the Revelation of the Divine Name in the Book of Exodus Part I: Analysis of the Narrative Exod 3:16–24:18

Piotr Pasierski
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


The article addresses the significance of the formulas of the Divine Name: יְהוָה, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה, and אֶהְיֶה (Exod 3:14–15). Referring to the narrative character of the Book of Exodus and assuming that the ambiguous formulas of the Divine Name in the initial part of the story are elements of a deliberate literary strategy, the author proposes interpreting these formulas using a narrative method. An analysis of two narrative sections of the Book of Exodus (3:16–18:27; 19:1–24:18) reveals that God, whose presence is initially depicted as concealed, is later portrayed, through the presentation of the Name formulas, as manifesting His presence through active intervention. The narrated events, in which YHWH acts on behalf of the Israelites against their enemies (Exod 3:16–18:27) and subsequently leads them to covenantal commitment (Exod 19:1–24:18), present God-YHWH as being. This notion clearly aligns with the declaration embedded in the Name formulas.


Divine Name, Book of Exodus, I Am who I Am, Narrative analysis, YHWH, Sinai Covenant, Exodus

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Pasierski, P. (2024). The Content and Dynamics of the Revelation of the Divine Name in the Book of Exodus Part I: Analysis of the Narrative Exod 3:16–24:18. Gdańsk Studies, 54, 7–17.

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