Published: 2021-03-06

“You Shall not Take the Name of the Lord your God in Vain.” The Relevance of the Decalogue

Wiesław Łużyński
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


The name “I am who I am” expresses the essence of God. In a biblical sense, it signifies God who is with His people. In a philosophical sense, it denotes the fullness of existence. In the Old Testament the name is revealed to Moses, whereas in the New Testament, the revelation of the name of God is Jesus – Yeshua: “Yahweh is salvation”. Jesus uses the revelational formula “I am” identifying with His Father and indicating His messianic mission. God’s name is revealed in The Lord’s Prayer, in which God is described as the Father, and in which also one of the supplications is a request for the name of God to be revered. The second commandment commands respect for God’s name and for the whole sacred reality. It forbids using the name in vain, in particular by taking a false oath or by swearing. The name of God should be called on with the highest respect in prayer, with prudence and justice.


name, truth, God, Christian, the Church, oath

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Łużyński , W. (2021). “You Shall not Take the Name of the Lord your God in Vain.” The Relevance of the Decalogue. Gdańsk Studies, 42, 119–131.

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