Published: 2021-03-06

From studies on journalism by Dr. Eugeniusz Myczka (1908-1993) from the interwar period. Socio-historical analysis of articles published in the Catholic magazines 'Kultura' and 'Tęcza'.

Mariusz Obarzanek
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


In his pre-war journalism, Dr. Eugeniusz Myczka presented problems related to the economic reform of independent Poland. He saw the possibility of carrying it out primarily through the introduction of a national idea as a condition for the renewal of Polish society in opposition to the developing ideology of communism and nationalism. He deepened his thoughts with a thorough analysis of Catholicism, which he divided into conservative and dynamic. The first of the two was attributed to a lack of concern for the fate of society, which resulted from reducing religion to a set of dogmas and perceiving its requirements only in terms of theory. This type was hostile to any changes and was a "mirror" reflection of the attitude of the 19th century Polish nobility, whose flaws, he believed, were inherited by the Polish society at the time. The second, dynamic type, which announced a new trend in the Church, was characterized by the creative attitude of the individual, whose work was to be realized on the basis of Polish culture and eventually lead it to unification with religion. Catholicism understood in this way was by itself open to reforms, where there was no place for the individual to seek his own benefits, but only for the practical application of justice and social love based on the social teaching of the Church, which, as Myczka wrote, was a condition for the development of the nation.


collective action, national spirit, dynamism and social conservatism, national idea, ideology, renewal, reform, justice and social love, class awareness

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Obarzanek, M. (2021). From studies on journalism by Dr. Eugeniusz Myczka (1908-1993) from the interwar period. Socio-historical analysis of articles published in the Catholic magazines ’Kultura’ and ’Tęcza’. Gdańsk Studies, 47, 227–242.

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