Published: 2021-03-06

Prayers of the first Christians in the light of Acts of the Apostles

Andrzej Najda
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


Luke, author of Acts of the Apostles, is portraying history in the certain aspect. He is highlighting acting and directing God, becouse he is writing the salutary story, namely "history of God with people". Above all the author wants to form his readers, and not to inform them. He is painting specific pictures, which are starting to speak to people of all times and creating paradigms, which are in addition of certain kind with models. Prayers of the first Christians are one of such paradigms. In including Acts of the Apostles prayer - both community and individual - constitutes the pillar of the Christian life and shaping the manner of believers into the Christ.


prayer, Church, Acts of the Apostles

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Najda, A. (2021). Prayers of the first Christians in the light of Acts of the Apostles. Gdańsk Studies, 46, 11–23.

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