Published: 2018-06-15

Nothing is Ever Over Until the End: On religion, Power and Order

John Milbank
Section: Articles


The article shows the origins and the theological, social and political consequences of the separation between religion and reason. It argues that this division means the negation of the Christian concept of divine governance, leads to instability in social life, to the marginalization and negation of religion and at the same time to the expansion of power of the most powerful ones; it also results in the willingness to restore the order by going back to the religious law and power in the theocratic sense. The author proposes to the Christians the return to “the radical orthodoxy”, i.e. to focus on apocatastasis, immanent and transcendent divine presence, participation in the Trinitarian harmony, the necessity of the subordination of reason to transcendence, the centrality of liturgy that re-enacts the eternal order. In this regard, the author emphasizes the role of theology, which should overcome the existing opposition of reason and faith and become the science that deals with all kinds of experiences and creates the vision as a whole.


religion, reason, science, power, secularization, theology, orthodoxy

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Milbank, J. (2018). Nothing is Ever Over Until the End: On religion, Power and Order. Christianity-World-Politics, (21), 54–75.

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