Opublikowane: 2019-06-24

Modlitwa według Marka Eremity

Émilie Escure-Delpeuch
Collectanea Theologica
Dział: Artykuły


Mark the Ascetic is opposed to the Messalians. According to them,
Satan inhabits the human heart from the fall and must be removed through
constant prayer and expelled by receiving the Holy Spirit. For Mark the
Ascetic it is the Holy Spirit who lives in the human heart from his baptism.
The believer must be vigilant because Satan wants to come from outside to
take the place of the Spirit. The continuous prayer is therefore not a way of
getting closer to God. It is a weapon in a spiritual battle trying to distance
us from God. It is even more than a weapon: it is love, because God and man
are from the baptism in a love relationship which is expressed by prayer.
Mark the Ascetic confronts the Messalians, who use the continuous prayer
as a way of achieving salvation, a way which should result in the coming of
the Holy Spirit. In this way, the Messalians “instrumentalise” prayer. The
studies on Mark’s works, especially on his vocabulary to describe prayer,
show his clearly defined position, which is completely different from the
approach of the Messalians. Prayer for Mark the Ascetic is neither means,
nor instrument. It is a sign of love, an exchange of intimate love with God.
By reaching for wedding terminology, Mark clearly shifts the accenton
love with God. Prayer becomes a place of love that is experienced in the
heart of the faithful.

Słowa kluczowe:

Marek Eremita, modlitwa

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Zasady cytowania

Escure-Delpeuch, Émilie. (2019). Modlitwa według Marka Eremity. Collectanea Theologica, 89(1), 33–50. https://doi.org/10.21697/ct.2019.89.1.03

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