Published: 2023-05-24

Preparing Young People for Confirmation in the Church in Poland

Jakub Akonom
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


Preparing young people for confirmation is becoming one of the most difficult challenges for pastoral care in Poland today. The traditional and somewhat clerical model of formation which has been used for years can be dismissed today as outdated. Representatives of the young generation who prepare themselves for the sacrament of confirmation are giving the community of the Church the last chance. The Church community can use it for effective evangelization or, while trusting in classical, outdated methods and assumptions of formation, might be indifferent towards the concept of pastoral conversion promoted by Pope Francis, thus losing contact with young people. The perspective of effectively proclaiming the Good News to the candidates for confirmation as well as enhancing their foundations of faith is a pastoral challenge which demands a change in current mentality. Young people in parish communities can experience the activity of the Holy Spirit and the beauty of the living Church. In order for this to happen, formalistic thinking needs to be abandoned, as it is focused on building the structures rather than on spiritual development of a person.


confirmation, youth, pastoral conversion, parish, evangelization, generation Z

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Akonom, J. (2023). Preparing Young People for Confirmation in the Church in Poland. Collectanea Theologica, 93(2), 163–188.

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