The ancient early Christian authors had a high level of communicative competence. This competence was expressed in their great artistry in oratory, writing and in their understanding the meaning of the communication contexts. To show and describe the communicative competence of the Church Fathers, the author of the present article focuses on the metaphors used by them. At the beginning, a metaphor as a rhetorical device is explained, in terms of what kind of function it has and how it works. In the second phase, the specific examples of metaphors that referred to poverty and wealth were chosen and their interpretations expounded. In the final section, the topic in question is summarized and then the conclusions come to are related to contemporary religious communication and the transmission of the faith in the digital world.
Ancient early Christian authors, Church Fathers, communicative competence, religious communication, metaphors, poverty
Marcyński, K. (2017). The Use of Metaphors as an Expression of Communicative Competence among the Chosen Early Christian Writers. Collectanea Theologica, 86(3), 147–170.