Published: 2017-10-05

Concepts Expressing the Virtue of Love in the Bible

Aneta Maja Bladyniec-Sośnierz
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The Christian virtue of love formulated in the Bible has been shaped by
many centuries and by different concepts. The foundation of this process
is found in the Hebrew concepts relating to love. Changing the language
to Greek has demanded an effort to try and find the best concepts which
imitate the richness of the Hebrew meanings. That resulted in some of
them being expressed by notions that did not relate to love. What is more,
the four Greek words that designate love did not have the same meanings
as in Hebrew. Selected from among them, the word agapē actually was
transformed and recreated by the Judeo-Christian culture to become the
key word expressing the virtue of charity.


The concept of agapē, the virtue of love, Hebrew concepts expressing the virtue of love, Greek concepts expressing the virtue of love, translations concepts of love

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Bladyniec-Sośnierz, A. M. (2017). Concepts Expressing the Virtue of Love in the Bible. Collectanea Theologica, 87(1), 75–89.

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