Published: 2020-01-30

Reinterpretation of History in the Books of Chronicles. The Case of King Manasseh

Krzysztof Kinowski
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The narrative about King Manasseh in the Second Book of Chronicles
(33:1-20) is an interesting example of the reinterpretation of
historical material found in the Books of Kings. In the first part
(2 Chr 33: 1-9) the Chronicler picks up the details of the plot about
Manasseh from 2 Kgs 21:1-9 and forms thus its parallel narrative. In
the second part (2 Chr 33:10-20) he presents, however, his own material
about Manasseh which is absent in the narrative of the Books
of Kings (cf. 2 Kgs 21:10-18). In effect, the Books of Chronicles shed
different light on the reign of our king. Whereas the Books of Kings
present Manasseh as the most impious Judean king, idolater and
murderer of the innocent Judahites, causing the fall of his kingdom
and its inhabitants who became destined for an exile into Babylon,
the Books of Chronicles build up a positive image of Manasseh.
Here, he is a sinner who, punished by God, humbled himself before
Him and converted, and after his rehabilitation carried out religious
reforms and devoted himself to construction works, renewing thus
the splendour of the Kingdom of Judah. This alternative tradition
about Manasseh harmonises perfectly with the theological message
of the Books of Chronicles, since its narrative about Manasseh depicts
a well-recognized pattern of the Chronicler, namely sin – punishment
– conversion – restoration, which was particularly important to the
postexilic community. In Manasseh’s destiny it could reread its own
history as punishment for idolatry and unfaithfulness to God, who
is willing to forgive its trespasses and restore its lost splendour if it
returns to Him. This interrelated link between God’s forgiveness,
restoration and conversion is a universal truth, tangible also in today’s
addresses of the Holy Scripture.


Books of Chronicles, Books of Kings, king Manasseh, theology of history

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Kinowski, K. (2020). Reinterpretation of History in the Books of Chronicles. The Case of King Manasseh. Collectanea Theologica, 89(4), 139–168.

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