Published: 2020-01-29

Between History, Ideology and Theology. Pro-David Reading of the Saul Traditions in 1 Chronicles

Dariusz Dziadosz
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The main purpose of the big part of 1 Chronicles was to convince the
Jews in the Second Temple Period that David was the legal ruler of Israel,
chosen by YHWH, the whole population, and even by the house of Saul.
Reading the text about the next stages of Saul and David’s political career in
1 Chronicles 10:1˗9:30 one may get the impression that the narration is very
selective (cf. 1 Sam 9:1˗31:13), that many events are omitted and only those
which emphasize the glory of Jesse’s son are presented. Analysing those
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texts one may arrive at the conclusion that David was the opposite of his
predecessor in each field, and only he was able to guarantee a permanent
political and military futurity for Israel. For ideological and theological reasons
the Chronicler has castigated Saul and glorified David. In the history
presented by him, YHWH always sides with Jesse’s son and not with Saul.
This point of view justifies the ideological argumentations of the Chronicler
whose main purpose was to show the political transformations in Israel in
favour of David, although these resulted in the bloody overthrow of Saul’s
dynasty (2 Sam 2:1˗4:12; 21:1-14). Unlike the deuteronomistic history, his
vision of the history of the monarchy is completely theological. Historical
events and politics were for him a background pointing to the presence of
God and His dominant influence on Israel’s first two kings. The establishment
of the monarchy was for the Chronicler one of the most important
milestones in the history of Israel. However, unlike the earlier historians, he
did not stress its political, social and military significance, but he evaluated
it only from the perspective of God’s plan of salvation.


1 Chronicles, the Chronicler, Saul traditions, deuteronomistic historiography

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Dziadosz, D. (2020). Between History, Ideology and Theology. Pro-David Reading of the Saul Traditions in 1 Chronicles. Collectanea Theologica, 89(4), 47–93.

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