Published: 2022-05-28

The Gospel and Management: Human Work and Its Psychosocial Dimension in the Light of the Teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński

Katarzyna Ślebarska
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


God’s call to man to subdue the earth (cf. Gen 1:26–28) makes work a vocation, and at the same time it constitutes one of the main tasks of a person. It accompanies the individual in his life from the very beginning. The need for calm and fruitful work occupies an important place in the teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. Despite continuous progress and the changing social context, his views on human work remain universal and relevant. This article focuses on the psychosocial dimension of work, indicated by Cardinal Wyszyński, and its relation to the contemporary realities of the labor market.


human work, psychological dimension of work, social dimension of work

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Ślebarska, K. (2022). The Gospel and Management: Human Work and Its Psychosocial Dimension in the Light of the Teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. Collectanea Theologica, 92(2), 183–199.

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