Published: 2024-12-12

Concordat Principle of Cooperation to Defend and Respect the Institution of Marriage

Michał Poniatowski
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Rozprawy i artykuły


The article presents an analysis of the concordat principle of cooperation for the defense and respect of the marriage institution in the scope of the Polish legal order. Selected norms contained in other contemporary concordats are also presented in a comparative aspect. The analysis concerns: first - the definition of the parties to cooperation, in particular in the context of a possible interpretation extending beyond the parties to this international agreement. Moreover, the study contains a definition of the subject of this cooperation, including in relation to higher and lower normative acts which also embrace an obligation to cooperate. The analysis also covers the form of cooperation for the defense and respect of the marriage institution both in the direct and indirect aspect. The closing paragraphs contain general conclusions from the conducted analysis.
(tłum. M. Porembska)


marriage, cooperation of Church and state, constitutional axiology, family, nation

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Poniatowski, M. (2024). Concordat Principle of Cooperation to Defend and Respect the Institution of Marriage. Ius Matrimoniale, 35(2), 141–158.

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