Published: 2021-12-17

Reconciliation as a Social Category in the Teaching of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI

Janusz Szulist , Jarosław Babiński
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


In the teaching of Benedict XVI, reconciliation can be interpreted as a social category that contributes to integral development. The consequence of the attitude of reconciliation is expressed in the manner in which theological knowledge is applied for a fuller understanding of social relations where the common good is a point of reference. Furthermore, reconciliation is also a theological category in the Bavarian theologian’s writings. In that respect, it is especially important to note that he not only puts reconciliation in the context of mercy, but also gives it a broader meaning by relating it to ecclesiological issues, and in particular to the dialogue of the Church with the contemporary world. Describing reconciliation against the background of social reality, Benedict XVI also points to forgiveness as a certain prerequisite. In the process of forgiveness, attitudes rooted in insincerity are overcome. Therefore, forgiveness brings one into a fuller participation in the truth. While reconciliation follows from forgiveness, the pope is aware of the fact that individual actions are not always sufficient to achieve the former. This is why institutions such as the United Nations serve to fulfill the idea of peace as a practical application of the timeless Unity that is identified in theology with God. Doing works of mercy is a touchstone of social reconciliation founded on natural personal capabilities. Reconciliation in the society, as promoted by the Church, favors the advancement of a culture that fosters an integral concept of the person and of development.


reconciliation, Benedict XVI, forgiveness, doctrine of the Church, person, community

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Szulist, J., & Babiński, J. (2021). Reconciliation as a Social Category in the Teaching of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Gdańsk Studies, 49, 179–194.

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