Published: 2004-08-22

Self-control at work and dominate occupational values.

Jan Felicjan Terelak , Anna Hys - Martyńska


This empiric article concerns relationship between sense of self-control and work valuation. Theoretical basis of hypothesis was the M. Kohna, C. Schoolera Theory of Selfcontrol and K.H. Seifert and C. Bregmann Concept of Jobs Value. Two occupational groups: workers from National Library and editorial office of State Scientific Publishing House were evaluated by following methods: M. Kohna, C. Schoolera Self-control Questionnaire, X. Gliszczyńska I-E Scale, K. H. Seifert, C. Bergmann adapted by A. Zalewska orientation on jobs value scale. The results obtained from 49 editorial employees (aged 25-55) were considered in the research. Statistic analysis of the data revealed that people with a higher level of occupational self-direction concentrate at work values and work aspects which are related to the internal labour characteristics, whereas people with a lower self-direction level focus more on labour characteristics external to the essence of a particular job.

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Terelak, J. F., & Hys - Martyńska, A. (2004). Self-control at work and dominate occupational values. Studia Psychologica: Theoria Et Praxis, (5), 141–162. Retrieved from

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