Published: 2024-12-11

The first apologetic novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz

Andrzej Bielat
Studia Teologiczne Białystok Drohiczyn Łomża
Section: Artykuły


The article The first apologetic novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz refers to a novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz Children of the soil. The piece of work consists of four sections. In the first one , I showed that the apology for Christianity was a conscious target of the author of the novel. In the second, I presented a review of a previous novel by Sienkiewicz Without dogma, written by prof. Stanisław Tarnowski, as it forms an essential ideology background for the comprehension of our author’s views. Next, I made a review of the most interesting remarks of the contemporary researchers on the theme of Children of the soil. In the fourth section, I analyze the contents of the novel and extract different and visible in it planes of apologia: from the criticism of bourgeois morality, through romantic visions of the future of Christianity, up to the alternations of attitudes of particular characters in the Christian spirit.


Henry Sienkiewicz, Stanislaw Tarnowski, Children of the soil, ,apology, bourgeois morality, converion

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