Author Guidelines

The editorial team of "Studia Teologiczne Białystok Drohiczyn Łomża" requests that authors familiarize themselves with the rules of the qualification and publishing process.

  1. Before submitting your text for publication, please review the criteria outlined in the "Author's Statement." After reviewing these criteria, please print the "Author's Statement" form, fill it out, sign it, and attach it along with the text file of the article.
  2. Every text submitted for publication in ST should adhere to the norms listed below. If the text does not meet the requirements of the following instructions, it will be archived after an internal review, and the author will be asked to revise the text and resubmit it. Only when the article meets the required guidelines can it proceed to the review process.
  3. Only articles that meet the criteria of a high scientific standard and originality, i.e., those that have not been published before, may be published in the journal.
  4. "Studia Teologiczne Białystok Drohiczyn Łomża" accepts articles in Polish and in congress languages.
  5. The author is required to write their article in such a way that the external reviewer, who will read and review the text anonymously (double-blind-review process), cannot identify the author's name based on the information contained in the main text or in the footnotes.
  6. If the author does not return the author’s proof within the specified time or does not respond to the revised text, it means that the author agrees to the publication of the text in the form proposed by the editorial team in the proof.
  7. Authors of published scientific papers receive 1 free author’s copy of the journal in paper form. Each author must confirm via email the receipt of the author’s copy from the Editorial Office.
  8. Authors submit their articles for publication through the electronic system Platform & Workflow by OJS/PKP by visiting the website If it is their first time using the system, they must register and log in.
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