Editorial Guidelines
The text should be formatted according to the following scheme:
The abstract should specify the key criteria related to the prepared text. It should include: the subject and purpose of the research along with a justification for the chosen topic. It should be concise, specifying the methodology of the work and explaining the individual research steps, which also determine the structure of the prepared text. In the conclusion, the abstract should contain the conclusions drawn by the author. It should be written in clear language, enabling a quick assessment of whether the text is useful for a particular reader. The abstract should not exceed 500 characters, including spaces. The abstract should be accompanied by "keywords." These should be terms (possibly two- or three-word phrases) that are semantically related to the topic of the prepared text. A maximum of five terms or phrases can be used. When preparing the abstract, please note that it is not: Ø an arbitrarily selected fragment of the introduction or conclusion of the article; Ø a collection of statements or words that do not appear in the presented article.
Footnotes and bibliography. In the text, a period or comma appears after the footnote number, not before. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page: 10 pt, single-spaced. A period is placed at the end of the footnote. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically (only works cited in the article). Sources should be prepared according to the following scheme: Last name, initials of the author's first name(s), title in italics, publication details, page numbers (if it is part of a collective work), where the original text is located. Please do not use spacing between individual entries. Example:
Janeczek A., Osadnictwo pogranicza polsko-ruskiego województwa bełskiego od schyłku XIV do początku XVII w., Wrocław 1991. Sławiński H., Problem języka w nauczaniu religii wśród młodzieży, in: “Ateneum Kapłańskie” 2013, no. 626, pp. 109-128.
Szewczyk L., Homilia w liturgii, in: Umiłować Chrystusa. Program duszpasterski na rok 2002/2003, eds. P. Kurzela, A. Liskowacka, Katowice 2002, pp. 252-269.
Tytko M. M., Elementy wychowania chrześcijańskiego w koncepcji ks. Franciszka Karola Blachnickiego, in: Pedagogika Katolicka, ed. J. Zimny, 5/2011, no. 1 (8), pp. 65-77, http://www.pedkat.pl/images/czasopisma/pk8/art06.pdf (accessed: 31.07.2012). The author is responsible for any copyright and publishing rights (reprinting of illustrations, tables, and charts, as well as quoting from other sources).
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