Published: 2025-02-14

The Salvific Function of Religion

Karol Jasiński
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the salvific function of religion and to the different ways of understanding salvation. It seems that in modern times, instead of a soteriology that emphasises the need to refer to a personal Divine Being in order to be liberated from various limitations and to achieve the fullness of humanity, a soteriology that foregrounds human powers and capacities of human self-realisation and fulfilment within the temporal world dominates. A transcendent soteriology is replaced by an immanent one. The article consists of three main parts. In the first one, the various functions performed by religion are indicated, among which the salvific function plays a fundamental role. The second part reflects on the concept of salvation present in the Christian tradition, in which salvation is understood as liberation from existential limitations and the attainment of the fullness of personal being in union with God. In the third part, attention is drawn to main alternative salvific ideas present in other religions.


salvation, liberation, fullness of being, religion

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Jasiński, K. (2025). The Salvific Function of Religion. Collectanea Theologica, 95(1), 141–160.

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