Published: 2020-01-30

The Influence of the Theology of the Books of Chronicles on the First Book of Maccabees as Exemplified by 2Chr 25,1-28 and 1 Macc 11

Janusz Nawrot
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The Old Testament includes many texts written by hagiographers that
are later on taken up in a new or wider historical-theological context. In
his work, the author of the First Book of Maccabees used earlier texts
from the inspired books. He did not, however, quote them explicitly, but
utilized chosen terminological borrowings. The material of the Books of
Chronicles is part of the hagiographer’s wider project of borrowing the
theology of almost all the protocanonical books in order to strengthen
his narration. He used descriptions of events, people and their behaviour
which were a point of reference with regards to the evaluation of the action
of particular characters during the time of the Maccabean Revolt. On the
one hand, the theology of the previous biblical books lays the foundations
for writing one’s own original work. On the other hand, this work sheds
meaningful light on the theological potential of the previous texts and thus
opens them for the future.


The Books of Chronicles, The First Book of the Maccabees

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Nawrot, J. (2020). The Influence of the Theology of the Books of Chronicles on the First Book of Maccabees as Exemplified by 2Chr 25,1-28 and 1 Macc 11. Collectanea Theologica, 89(4), 169–198.

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