Author Guidelines

Information for authors

Texts submitted to the Editorial Team are regarded as original works, whose full rights are owned by the author.

Translation of a foreign language text is regarded by the Editorial Team as a translation (work), whose full rights is owned by the translator.

Each paper submitted will be reviewed. As a result, the Editorial Team may request the author to make modifications, additions, or amendments suggested by the reviewers. The Editorial Team may also reject the submitted material. The final decision on this issue will be taken by the Editor-in-Chief.

The Editorial Team will not return submitted texts that are not published in Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne).

The Editorial Team has the right to make corrections and edits in submitted texts.

Works published in Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) are made available in their entirety under the terms of the Open Access License at

The authors do not receive any remuneration for publishing their text.

The electronic version should be made in Microsoft Word for Windows text editor in compliance with the following principles:

General principles for authors how to prepare texts for publishing

The file: the text-containing file should be named using the author’s name and surname, e.g.: ‘kowalski-jan.docx’

The length of the text: the length of the text must not exceed 30,000 characters with spaces (including references).

The author’s details: the author’s name and surname should be placed in the upper left corner of the first page of the paper along with the author’s affiliation and ORCID.

Abstract and key words: the paper must be accompanied by a brief abstract (up to 150 words) and key words in Polish and English. The summary and keywords in Polish and the title, summary and keywords in English should be placed at the beginning of the text.

Detailed principles for authors to prepare texts for publishing

The main text: Times New Roman 12 pt., justified, line spacing 1.5.

Title: Times New Roman 14 pt., bold letters, upper-case letters, centred text, line spacing 1.5.

Subtitles: Times New Roman 14 pt., bold letters, centred text, line spacing 1.5.

Margins: 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left, right) – Microsoft Office Word default setting.

Indent paragraphs (size: one default tabulator).

All tables must fit within the area of one page of text (in portrait or landscape orientation).

Pages numbered (page numbers placed at the bottom of the page, numbers centred).

Hyphenation option disabled.

Text without hard spaces and manual line breaks.


Quotations, bullets, special typeface, special characters, graphic objects

When using special characters (e.g., logical symbols, Greek or Hebrew alphabet), a file with the appropriate font and the text in PDF format should be provided to The Editorial Team via electronic means.

Quotations should be written using regular fonts and quotation marks.

Skipping parts of the text quoted (made by the author) should be indicated in the following way […].

Full names of persons referred to for the first time should be given in the text.

Photos, drawings, figures, and other graphic elements, preferably original ones, should be saved in *.jpg, *.pdf format, with a resolution not less than 300 x 500 pixels. This material should be marked in the text along with numbers (e.g., Fig. 1). The source should also be indicated.

Journal titles should be specified using regular fonts and quotation marks, e.g., ‘Przegląd Pedagogiczny’.

Foreign language terms and titles should be specified using italics, e.g., status quo.

Bold or spaced out characters can be used to indicate a special typeface.

Bullet points should be clear.

Author’s footnotes containing comments and additions to the text are placed at the bottom of the page and numbered in sequence.


Preferred method of quoting

Literature references are included in the text of the paper (APA style), according to the following principles:


Reference footnotes consist of the author’s name separated by a comma and year of publication in parenthesis, e.g.: (Kowalski, 2006) and, if quoting the reference literally, page number following a comma (Kowalski, 2006, p. 32).

If multiple works by the same author (or authors) have been published in the same year, letters a, b, c, etc. should be inserted following the year of publication with no spaces (Kowalski, 2006a; Kowalski, 2006b).

When quoting the work by two authors, names of both authors should be specified and separated by a comma, e.g.: (Piotrowski, Kowalski, 2007). If there are three or more authors, we specify the name of the first author followed by ‘et al.’, e.g., (Kowalski et al., 2006).

If works by different authors who have the same surnames are referred to in the text, authors’ names’ initials should be specifiedeach time reference is made to the work in the text (A. Nowak, 2010) ... (B. Nowak, 2012).

If reference is made to two or more works, they should be arranged within a single pair of brackets in alphabetical order by surnames of the first authors. References to other works should be separated by a semicolon (Nowak, 2001, 2003; Wisniewski, 2012).



A list of References should contain only works referred to or quoted in the text in alphabetical order.


Monograph (a study made as a book): surname separated by a comma, name initial (year of publication in parentheses). Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Szymański, M. J. (2013). Socjologia edukacji. Zarys problematyki. Kraków: Impuls.

Book by multiple authors: surname separated by a comma, name initial. (Eds. in parentheses) (year of publication in parentheses). Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Nowak, M., Magier, P., & Szewczak, I. (Eds.) (2010). Antropologiczna pedagogika ogólna. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Gaudium.

Chapter in joint publication: surname separated by a comma, name initial (year of publication in parentheses). Title. In: Editor’s/editors’ name initial. Surname separated by a comma (Eds. in parentheses), Title in italics (number of pages in parentheses). Place of publication: Publisher.

Hejnicka-Bezwińska, T. (2010). Antropologiczny punkt widzenia a poszukiwanie pedagogicznego sensu edukacji w społecznym dyskursie o edukacji. In: M. Nowak, P. Magier, I. Szewczak (Eds.), Antropologiczna pedagogika ogólna (pp. 35-52). Lublin: Wydawnictwo Gaudium.

Paper in a journal: surname separated by a comma, name initial (year of publication in parentheses). Title. Journal title in italics, issue in italics (volume), range of pages.

Grządziel, D. (2012). Jakość pracy w edukacji i jej efekty. Implikacje wynikające z arystotelesowskiej kategorii praxis i poiesis. Forum Pedagogiczne, 2(2), 79-101.

Study on the website: surnameseparated by a comma, name initial. Title in italics. Retrieved from: access path (date of access).

Conroy, R. J., Davis, R., Religious Education. Retrieved from: (25.01.2010).

If the work is a translation, the title should be followed by the translator’s surname and name initial, preceded by the word ‘trans.’:

Spitzer, M. (2012). Jak uczy się mózg, trans. M. Guzowska-Dąbrowska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.



The structure of a scientific article, and, in particular, the information on the results of research should correspond to the stages of research projects defined in the acronym IMRAD, i.e.: Introduc-tion, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Firstly, in the Introduction part, the author should present the research subject and review the relevant literature, paying particular attention to the current state of research pertinent to the examined question. Next, the author should outline the theoretical inter-pretation framework, within which the problem will be analyzed. The next part, called Methods, should explain to the reader the methodology used, including measuring tools, the participants of the research and the research procedure. The following part, Results, presents the most important results of the study and refers to the results obtained by other authors (Discussion). Finally authors may summarize briefly the practical implications arising from the paper or include indications for further directions of research. The authors who benefited from the financing of the research proce-dure are obliged to provide the source of the financing.

According to the above a scientific article submitted to Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) should consist of the following elements:

- name and surname of the author/authors, ORCID,
- affiliation to a scientific entity (department/institute, university),
- the title of the article,
- an abstract in Polish and English language (max. 150 words),
- key words in Polish and English language (4-6 words),
- introduction,
- literature review,
- methods (measuring tools, participants, research procedure),
- results,
- discussion of results,
- conclusion,
- acknowledgements,
- bibliography,
- note about the author (should be included in a footnote created under the author's name).


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