For authors

Editorial Requirements for Authors:

  1. Submissions should take the form of an article, a glossary of ecclesiastical court judgments, a review or a report.
  2. Material submitted to the Editor by the end of December of a given year will be published in one of the issues of the following year.
  3. Materials should be submitted to the Editor in one copy as an electronic file, in Microsoft Word editorial format.
  4. Each article, review etc. should be saved in a separate electronic file. The editors do not return materials submitted to them and reserve the right to make changes in them.
  5. The accepted texts are in the updated A4 computer printout with the following parameters. The following parameters are accepted: all margins 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5, justified. The parameters for footnotes: font Times New Roman 10; line spacing 1.0; the text is justified; footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page in the comma system; the names of the authors written in small caps, and the titles of works cited in italics. Page pagination in the bottom right corner.
  6. Each article should contain: an introduction, substantive content divided into points or subpoints (numbered according to the scheme: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.) and an ending (conclusion, summary).
  7. The article must be accompanied by an abstract in English, which should be placed on the last page of the article, giving the title in The name of a translator should be included at the end in case the translator is not the author. The abstract should not exceed approximately 1500 characters.
  8. Key words in Polish and English should also be included.
  9. The article should also be accompanied by an appended bibliography, taking into account the division into source and literature.
  10. The name of the publication file should contain the author's surname and first name (without Polish characters) and the first word of the title, e.g. Jan Kowalski, the author of the article “Kurator w postępowaniu cywilnym” (Court-appointed family guardian in civil proceedings), should name the file containing his article: kowalski_jan_kurator.
  11. The author of the article and of the gloss to the judgment of the church court places his/her name in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Under the name, the author's affiliation (belonging to a particular scientific centre), country, e-mail address; ORCID number should be placed.
  12. Priests and religious must precede their name with the appropriate abbreviation, while religious persons must follow their name with the abbreviated name of their institute.
  13. The presentation of the review should include in sequence: the author of the work reviewed, the title of the work reviewed, the publisher, the place of publication, the date of publication, the number of pages. The author shall put his/her name and surname under the text of the review (inserting the abbreviations for priests and religious, respectively, as in articles).
  14. In reports, the author should also put his/her name under the text he/she has written (using the abbreviations for priests and religious respectively, as in articles).
  15. The editors send the authors the so-called "galley-proofs" for the first correction, which can only consist in correcting printing (computer) errors, not in completing earlier versions of the submitted material. Such additions are not taken into account. Failure to send the corrected material within the prescribed time limit is equivalent to resignation from publication.
  16. The editors do not pay authors for published material. Authors of articles and glosses are obliged to send 1 copy of "Ius Matrimoniale" in which the author's publication has been placed.
  17. Authors of articles are requested to attach on a separate sheet a short biographical note containing the following data: name and surname, academic degree and title, the scientific centre with which the author is connected and the speciality he/she deals with.
  18. Authors of articles are requested to attach on a separate sheet a full list of the bibliography used in the publication (the bibliography is not counted by the Editors in the number of characters allowed for the article).
  19. Authors are asked to familiarise themselves with the principles of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” and to complete, sign and forward to the Editor a statement to this effect sent by the Editor.
  20. Authors are requested to read the "Open Access Policy" and to complete, sign and return to the Editorial Office following documents (link below): Agreement on article publication and Author’s declaration.

Specific rules for footnotes:

Footnotes are created using  small caps next to the first letter of the author's first name and surname or using "Ibid.", according to the following way of citation:

Marchetta, Scioglimento del matrimoniocanonico per inconsumazione, Padova 1981, p. 20-21.

Krukowski, Proces o uzyskanie dyspensy od małżeństwa zawartego i Niedopełnionego [Process for obtaining a dispensation from a contracted and unfulfilled marriage], in: J. Krukowski (ed.), Komentarz do Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego [Commentary on the Code of Canon Law]. Rev. VII. Processes, vol. 5, p. 378-379.

Ibid., p. 211.


J. Krukowski, Process for obtaining a dispensation from a contracted and unfulfilled marriage..., p. 389.

Cf. T. Rozkrut, Experts, in: T. Rozkrut (ed.), Commentary to the procedural instruction "Dignitas connubii", Sandomierz 2007, p. 278-292.

Leszczyński, Sędzia wobec opinii biegłego w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa [Judge faced with expert opinion in marriage annulment proceedings], Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne 10 (2001), p. 77-78

- We use "Cf." Instead of "See"   

Detailed rules for creating an Annex Bibliography (References):

References should include only those publications cited in the article, divided into "Sources" and "Literature" according to the following rules:

Codes of Canon Law:

Codex Iuris Canonici auctoritate Joannis Pauli PP. II promulgatus, 25.01.1983, AAS 75 (1983), pars II, p. 1-317.

Codex Iuris Canonici Pii X Ponticis Maximi iussu digestus, Benedicti Papae XV auctoritate promulgatus, AAS 9/II (1917), p. 2-593.

Documents of the Holy See:

Concilum vaticanum ii, Decretum de presbyterorum ministerio et vita Presbyterorum ordinis, 7 XII 1965, AAS 58 (1966), p. 991-1024. Polish text: Sobór Watykański II, Dekret o posłudze i życiu kapłanów Presbyterorum ordinis, 7 XII 1965, in: Idem, Konstytucje - Dekrety - Deklaracje, Poznań 2012, p. 487-517.

Benedictus XVI, Ad Tribunal Rotae Romanae, 12 XII 2010, AAS 98 (2006) part 2, pp. 135-138.

Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, Ecconomia a servizio del charisma e della misione, Città del Vaticano 2018. Polish text: Kongregacja do spraw Instytutów Życia Konsekrowanego i Stowarzyszeń  Życia Apostolskiego, Ekonomia w służbie charyzmatu i misji. Boni dispensatores multiformis gratiae Dei (1Pe 4,10). Orientations, Niepokalanów 2019.

Judgments of the Roman Rota published in "Sacrae Rotae Romae Decisiones"

Dec c. Pinto of 30.07.1969, SRRD 61 (1969), p. 27-38.

Judgments of the Roman Rota published in "Rotae Romae Decisiones"

Dec. c. Pompedda z 15.07.1994, RRD 86 (1994), s. 392-402.

Bibliographic description of a book (one author)

Marchetta B. Scioglimento del matrimoniocanonico per inconsumazione, Padova 1981.

Bibliographic description of a book (more than one author)

Dzierżon G., Szymańska K., Wpływ zespołu stresu pourazowego na kanoniczną niezdolność do zawarcia małżeństwa, Warszawa 2020.

Chapter in the book

Rozkrut T., Experts, in: T. Rozkrut (ed.), Commentary to the procedural instruction [Komentarz do Instrukcji procesowej] "Dignitas connubii", Sandomierz 2007

Sobański R., Udział adwokata w procesie o nieważność małżeństwa [Participation of a lawyer in a trial for marriage nullity], Ius Matrimoniale 2 (1997), p. 125-144

Electronic documents

National Association of Church Attorneys, Code of Ethics for Church Attorneys, [accessed 03.01.2021].

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