
Description and scope

The Polish Review of International and European Law has been published regularly since 2011, and since 2021 it has been included in the ministerial list of scored journals (currently 40 points).

The Polish Review of International and European Law aims primarily at the presentation and promotion of the research results of Polish science in the field of international and European law. The journal is also open to representatives of the doctrine from other countries, and its aim is to include foreign doctrine of international and European law in the scientific discourse and to promote foreign scientific centres.

The Polish Review of International and European Law covers various fields of international law, both public and private, and European Union law. We are aware of the interdependence of different levels of legal regulation in the modern world, which indicates the flexibility of the limits of internationalization of modern law.

The Polisch Review of International and European Law publishes studies and articles, case law commentaries, Polish law practice and book reviews.

The Polish Review of International and European Law is indexed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Index Copernicus International and BazHum.

The original version is the paper version.

Articles published in the quarterly are available in open access (OA).


Review process

In the first stage of the reviewing process of a text submitted for publication in the Polish Review of International and European Law, the Editorial Board assesses whether the text meets the requirements for the submitted texts and whether it is in line with the subject matter of the journal.  Texts that do not meet these conditions are returned to the authors.

Next, texts accepted by the Editorial Board are reviewed by two scientists not affiliated with the same institution as the author in a double blind review system: reviewers and the author do not know each other; in addition, they come from different scientific or research centers. Reviewers are also required to declare a possible conflict of interest.

Reviewers receive a review questionnaire and are asked to express a clear opinion as to whether the manuscript is: (a) accepted; (b) conditionally accepted; or (c) not accepted.

Submission of a review is made by filling out the review questionnaire provided. Evaluation of the text is carried out by responding to the substantive requirements listed in the review questionnaire.

Reviewers are required to formulate their opinion based on the following criteria:

- originality of the topic;

- relevance of the topic;

- the relationship of the topic to the text;

- readability and logic of the argument, coherence and quality of the scientific argumentation;

- the extent of the research;

- the value and nature of the conclusions;

- the nature of the text (descriptive or analytical);

- assessment of the quality of the scientific workshop (the level of use of legal sources, case law, scientific literature).

The reviewer assesses separately whether, to his knowledge, the text in whole or in part constitutes self-plagiarism or plagiarism or is the result of other unethical behaviour on the part of the author.

If the work is accepted “conditionally”, the Reviewer recommends which parts of the text and how they should be modified.

If the manuscript is assessed negatively by one reviewer and conditionally accepted by a second reviewer, the manuscript is not published and is returned to the author, stating the reason.

If the manuscript is assessed negatively by one reviewer and positively by the other, the Editors appoint a third reviewer to write a separate review. The third Reviewer shall not be made available to previous reviews. The third review is conclusive.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Authors are required to comply with the Reviewer's comments. The Author's corrected text is referred again to the Reviewer if he/she has stipulated that he/she would like to see the corrected text. If the Author does not agree with the Reviewer's comments, he/she may submit his/her justified comments to the Editor. The Editorial Board makes the final decision on whether to accept the author's arguments or whether further changes are necessary in accordance with the Reviewer's comments.

The reviewer should send the review within the deadline agreed upon with the Editor, no later than 30 days after receiving the text for evaluation.

The reviewer's decision is communicated to the author immediately, no later than within 7 days.

Any decision on the acceptance of the text is finally made by the Editor-in-Chief no later than 3 months from the date of submission. All authors of submitted materials are informed of the decision.


Frequency of publication

The Polish Review of International and European Law is published every six months, within 2 months after the end of the six-month period.

Volumes 1 to 3 were published as a quarterly.


Publishing ethics

The Polish Review of International and European Law is an open access scholarly journal. The editors are committed to the high scientific quality of all published texts and take all possible measures to counteract the neglect of publication standards in The Polish Review of International and European Law.

If the Editorial Board becomes aware of an author's unethical behaviour before the text is published, it is immediately returned to the author and the relevant state authorities and the home academic or scientific centre are notified of the unethical behaviour.

The review process and all publications in The Polish Review of International and European Law are free of charge.

The Polish Review of International and European Law is financed by public funds, including primarily the own funds of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. In exceptional situations, the journal may be subsidised by a private entity, but this does not affect publication decisions, including deviation from the journal's ethical principles.

No advertisements are placed in the Polish Review of International and European Law (in the paper version and on the website). The decision to place advertisements is made by the Editor-in-Chief. 

All persons involved in the process of publishing research, articles, case commentaries and book reviews, i.e. the author, members of the Editorial Team and external reviewers, are strictly obliged to adhere to the ethical standards described below. The ethical principles presented in this section are based on the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, https://publicationethics.org/core-practices).

The Scientific Editorial Board carries out a preliminary anti-plagiarism assessment using available databases.



Authorship and contributions

Authorship should be strictly limited to only those individuals who have significantly contributed to the submitted text. The submitting author is required to identify in the submitted manuscript all co-authors and/or co-authors who contributed to the submitted text and to obtain their permission for publication.

"Ghostwriting" and "guestauthorship" are strictly prohibited in the Polish Review of International and European Law. Ghostwriting' is understood as failure to include the name of a person who has made a significant contribution to the submitted text, and 'guestauthorship' is understood as a situation in which the name of the alleged author or co-author appears in the text. of the submitted text, even though there is little or no contribution. The Editorial Team will disclose any such cases and, if necessary, send a note of information to the relevant institutions and/or academic authorities.

The Editorial Team will counteract all manifestations of academic dishonesty. In the event of complaints about a submitted or published text, the Editorial Board will contact the author and, in the event of suspected unethical action or abuse, will pass on information about them to the relevant institutions or authorities.

Plagiarism and citation of sources

In the Polish Review of International and European Law, the integrity of the content and the publication process is of fundamental importance. Plagiarism should always be regarded as unethical and unacceptable behaviour.

The submitting author confirms that their text submitted for publication is original, i.e. they confirm that the text submitted for publication is:

1/ free of all copyright restrictions and limitations;

2/ has not been published anywhere else; and

3/ not subject to a review/evaluation process in any other scientific journal or publisher.

It is also considered unethical to submit to The Polish Review of International and European Law a text that is a translation of an article/research that has already been published in another language.

All cited sources should be cited in an appropriate manner in accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Review of International and European Law(https://czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/index.php/priel/about/submissions).

Information and data obtained by authors privately, such as in private conversations, e-mail correspondence or discussions with third parties, may not be used or reported without the express permission of the source.

Review of sources by the Editorial Team

At the request of the Editorial Board, authors will provide the Editorial Team with the raw data/academic sources they used in the course of working on the submitted manuscript.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

The submitting author should disclose any information regarding sources of funding for the publication, contributions from academic research institutions or others, and should report any potential conflicts of interest to the Editorial Team and/or reviewers identified on the The Polish Review of International and European Law cover page.

Fundamental errors in published texts

The submitting author should notify the Editor as soon as possible if he/she notices significant errors in his/her publication. He or she should also cooperate with the Editor to retract or correct the article as soon as possible.

If the Editor becomes aware from a third party that a published article or other text contains a significant error, it is the author's responsibility to withdraw or correct the work immediately or provide the Editor with proof of the correctness of the original article.



Decision to publish

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for all material published in the Polish Review of International and European Law. The decision to accept or reject a given academic text is based primarily on reviews, the importance of the text and its originality and clarity.

Texts submitted for publication are not rejected because of the views expressed in them, provided that they are academically justified and do not discredit other authors. All articles will always be evaluated regardless of any reasons. The editorial team does not accept texts that serve as war propaganda or that spread hatred.

The Editorial Team may not appoint as reviewers academics who are the direct superiors of the submitting authors, collaborate with the submitting authors within the same research team or at the same university, or have any other close personal relationship with the submitting authors.


The Editorial Board does not share any personal information of authors with reviewers and vice versa. Information obtained by members of the Editorial Board during the review process, as well as information from articles not accepted for publication or extracts thereof, will not be used in their own research.

A member of the Editorial Board should avoid conflicts of interest arising from relationships with the author of the submitted text or the institution where the teskt was prepared.

The Editorial Board requires all authors to disclose relevant circumstances indicating a conflict of interest and to publish relevant information if conflicting interests are disclosed after publication.

Guidelines for support staff and reviewers

The Editorial Board provides technical guidance for language editors, support staff and reviewers, and develops policies for various aspects of the editorial and review process. It develops a review template and other standardised documents to be used throughout the editorial and review process. The template and other standardised documents serve in the organisation and standardisation of the editorial and peer review process.



Contribution to the decision to publish

The reviewer has a duty to assist the Editor-in-Chief in the decision to publish. The reviewer should agree to review only those manuscripts for which he/she has adequate academic expertise and sufficient time to be able to provide a review within a reasonable timeframe.

Conflict of interest

Reviewers are required to inform the Editor-in-Chief of any possible conflicts of interest. If they acknowledge authorship of a text, they are required to disclose in particular any direct business, business or other close personal/scientific relationship with the submitting author.

Without the written consent of the author, the unpublished text may not be used in the reviewer's own research.

Confidentiality and impartiality

The reviewer is obliged to respect the confidentiality of the entire review process. All reviews represent an objective and constructive assessment of the reviewed text. Reviewers should identify published work that has not been cited by the author, and report to the Editor-in-Chief any similarities detected with published work by other authors.

Review questionnaire

Reviewers use the review questionnaire provided to them by the Editorial Team. The review questionnaire is available at the link: https://czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/pliki/priel/peer_review.docx


IV. Reporting irregularities and dealing with unethical behaviour

Anyone who believes that a study, article, glossary or book review published in the Polish Review of International and European Law has not been prepared in accordance with the above ethical standards may report their concerns to the Editorial Board.

In the case of misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the Editorial Board will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation.

These measures may include the publication of an errata, the publication of an explanatory statement on the Polish Review of International and European Law website and, if necessary, the withdrawal of the submitted/published work.

The editorial board may also notify the relevant state authorities, as well as the authorities of the university or other academic entity if the author is employed therein; possibly the employers in order to take appropriate legal action


Reviewers in 2023

dr hab. prof. US Michał Balcerzak (University of Szczecin), dr Wojciech Burek (Jagiellonian University), dr hab. Maciej Górka, dr hab. prof. UWr. Bartłomiej Krzan (University of Wroclaw), dr Patryk Labuda, prof. dr hab. Marek Szydło (University of Wroclaw), dr hab. prof. INP PAN Karolina Wierczyńska (The Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences), dr hab prof. UMK Katarzyna Witkowska-Chrzczonowicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University)



Once the author has been notified of the decision to accept his/her text for publication in the Polish Review of International and European Law, he/she is obliged to sign an agreement and a declaration according to the model available at the link: https://czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/pliki/priel/agreement.docxhttps://czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/pliki/priel/declaration.docxhttps://czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/pliki/priel/open_access_policy.docx.

By signing the agreement the author agrees to the following conditions:

(1) the author agrees that the data presented in the declaration referred to in §2 may be published together with the article (in paper and electronic versions).

(2) The author grants the UKSW a royalty-free non-exclusive licence to use the article, in whole or in part, in all known fields of exploitation (including: publishing and distributing the article in paper and electronic form; recording on machine-readable media; entering into computer memory; entering into the on-line reading room; marketing; entering into online journal databases);

(3) Texts published in the Polish Review of International and European Law are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Without Derivative Works 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0).

(4) No publication fees are charged to authors. No remuneration is paid to authors for publication.

(5) Only original texts that have not been published in another journal will be accepted for publication.

(6) If the text is co-authored, each author shall submit a statement of their percentage contribution to the publication.
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