Opublikowane: 2018-07-14


Piotr Ochotny
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dział: Varia


The author, in his paper, pays close attention to the uncontrolled dialectics of
death within human existence; that which is actively experienced but passively
sustained; is the end of everything but the beginning of something new; is absolute
certainty but unpredictable uncertainty; is always and only personal for me but 

always and only personal for others, too. In fact, it is very difficult to explain the
meaning of death from an ontological study of death: if and how death exists in the
area of human experience; if death is an immanent possibility for personal existence
or, is it introduced from outwith and occurs when we are not still living. To respond
to these questions, the author proposes to use the bridging term, with which various
philosophical positions can be qualified. This bridging term is ‘distance’ and our
death experience is defined as the distance between man (person acting) and his
subject (experience). The dialectical nature of this experience implies that death
might be through an infinite separation or an infinite closeness to man. Drifting
between those faraway shores, we can find in Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy. He
refers to death as Other (something else for man), but this does not mean that death
is strange or unknown within one’s life experience.

Słowa kluczowe:

ontologia śmierci, dialektyka śmierci, odległość, bliskość, separacja, inność, obcość,

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Zasady cytowania

Ochotny, P. (2018). CZŁOWIEK I ŚMIERĆ – MIĘDZY SEPARACJĄ A BLISKOŚCIĄ. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 55(2), 191–212. https://doi.org/10.21697/stv.2017.55.2.10

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