Published: 2023-12-29

Święci świadkami prawdy o Bogu w ujęciu Benedykta XVI

Marzena Kuczyńska
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Section: Artykuły


The teaching of the saints was an important dimension of Benedict XVI's ministry.  The Pope was well aware of the social impact of the saints who, through the example of their lives, are authentic witnesses to the truth about God. Analysing the Pope's reflection, the following dimensions of holiness can be distinguished: the actuality and universality of holiness, the appreciation of its ordinary - everyday - dimension, the usefulness of the intercession of the saints, and the ecclesiological emphasis with the role of the sacraments in the life and ministry of Christ's witnesses. In his teaching, the Bavarian theologian valued the role of women saints as a credible response to the contemporary crisis of femininity. Through their living witness of faith based on the depth of their relationship with God, the saints teach modern man to accept suffering and to find meaning in difficult experiences. They are silent but true reformers of the Church and the world, who teach Christians of all times how to bring the truth of Jesus Christ to the world. 


Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, Catholic theology, saints, evangelization, truth

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Kuczyńska, M. (2023). Święci świadkami prawdy o Bogu w ujęciu Benedykta XVI. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 62(2).

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