Published: 2016-09-20

F. Stanisław Olejnik as a Witness of History of Moral Theology

Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Section: Artykuły


As the participant of events and the chronicler and the interpreter of the deve- lopment of moral theology, Rev. Olejnik is a special witness of the history of moral theology in Poland. Involving the Professor in works scientific and teaching led at a few colleges, his participation in works of the Section of Polish Theologians of Moralists and the International Theological Committee as well as in editorial offices of theological magazines and achievements in the field of promoting young scientists are the single most important factor in the panorama of moral theology in Poland. Rev. Olejnik is a witness of history, because created the history of the Polish moral theology in the rank being taller many other scientists.
Numerous publications are a crucial element of active attesting to the past of moral theology, where Olejnik is discussing conditioning of the 20th century as well as is presenting his contribution to the development of this discipline. In this respect his memory book is deserving the particular attention Takie to były czasy, tacy to byli ludzie. Karty dziennika.

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DERDZIUK, A. (2016). F. Stanisław Olejnik as a Witness of History of Moral Theology. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 53(2), 15–31.

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