Published: 2019-11-01

Patriotic education in the teaching of God’s servant – Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński

Alina Rynio
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Section: Artykuły


The presented text is an attempt to demonstrate understanding and realisation of patriotic education in the teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Primate of Poland It brings closer the significance of the very notion as well as it demonstrates attitudes and behaviours generated by this understanding. The publication focuses our attention on the genesis of such comprehended patriotism and education. The final part of the analyses concerns the practical aspect of patriotic education and brings closer the figure of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński as a teacher of a Christian view on education, Polish nature and Poles. What results from the conducted analyses and observations is the fact that remembrance and familiarity with a pedagogical message of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński – a remarkable Primate of the Millennium concerned about ethical-moral foundations of social life, may assist contemporarily living nations and people, and generations of Poles, in particular and those who will be their continuators – in preserving identity in the personal, social, national, cultural and ecclesiastic dimensions.


patriotism, Stefan Wyszyński, education, nation, homeland

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Rynio, A. (2019). Patriotic education in the teaching of God’s servant – Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 56(2), 145–160.

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