Published: 2017-12-14

Relacyjna natura sakramentu pokuty i pojednania w perspektywie usprawiedliwiającej łaski

Marek Filipczuk
Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne
Section: Artykuły


The truth of the Christian faith makes us aware that in the situation of man’s enslavement, God again supports him with his love. Empowered with divine grace the man undergoes the innermost transformation, and thus new quality of relationship between man and all creatures to Creator and Saviour. The reconciliation of man with God and other people is closely connected with the need of overcoming the disorder which lies in man. is chaos requires self-reconciliation through sorrow, contrition and determination to atone - comprised in personal penance. “ That is why the unity of people is possible only upon the condition of every man’s individual inner transition. Personal conversion is necessary for the achievement of agreement between people.” Reconciliation with God, fellowmen and oneself is a path leading to the reconciliation with all creatures in accordance with the appropriate hierarchy of goals within the framework of man’s integral vocation. When reflecting on the importance of the Sacrament of Penance in the life of a Christian, one must not overlook the signi cance of the peace of heart. The grace of the peace is animated by the belief in the e ective reconciliation with God and Church in the sacramental sign.This reconciliation is the foundation of hope for even more perfect unification with God and fellowmen during the earthly pilgrimage towards eternal ful llment in the community of the saved. 


divine Mercy, conversion, sacrament of reconciliation, grace, penance, religious life, morality

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Filipczuk, M. (2017). Relacyjna natura sakramentu pokuty i pojednania w perspektywie usprawiedliwiającej łaski. Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne, 2(35), 57–86.

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