Opublikowane: 2019-06-28

Egzegeza Księgi Izajasza 61,1-11: historia redakcji i pytanie o tożsamość proroka zwanego Tritoizajaszem

Jakub Slawik
Collectanea Theologica
Dział: Artykuły


Exegesis of Is 61 has shown that the chapter is a literal composition,
which consists of two parts: a frame vv. 1-3+10-11 and a middle part vv.
4-9. The two framing sections, vv.1-3(10-11) could first have been a separate
text. V. 3aa is possibly a secondary addition, which joins chapter 61 with
chapters 60 and 62. But it is reasonable to read and interpret Is 61 as one
unit, in which a prophetic „I” take the floor. The „I” poses as a servant
known from Deutero-Isaiah’s Songs of JHWH’s Servant. But in this „I”
we hear tradents who passed down and updated Deutero-Isaiah’s tradition,
and added new God’s promises. The prophet Trito-Isaiah, who should be
like the other prophets speaking to the people, never existed. However the
tradents understood their mission as prophetical one.

Słowa kluczowe:

Tritoizajasz, interpretacja Iz 61, krytyka literacka, historia redakcji, profetyzm uczony w Piśmie, pisemna posługa prorocka

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Zasady cytowania

Slawik, J. (2019). Egzegeza Księgi Izajasza 61,1-11: historia redakcji i pytanie o tożsamość proroka zwanego Tritoizajaszem. Collectanea Theologica, 89(2), 51–107. https://doi.org/10.21697/ct.2019.89.2.02

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