Published: 2020-12-31

Deborah and Jael opposite to Barak and Sisera: Gender Roles in Judges 4:1-24

Jakub Slawik
Collectanea Theologica
Section: Articles


The story of Deborah in Judg 4 provokes a question about gender roles of the four main female and male characters. Although Deborah and Yael are shown in the traditional role of a wife, almost all their activities go beyond the gender roles which are attributed to women. They go into “masculine” social domains of activity: judiciary, commanding an army, and killing an enemy. They both act not only wisely, but also according to God’s saving will. In contrast, masculine characters or heroes are exposed to ridicule and humiliated: they are put in “unmanly” roles as dependent, frightened, and in need of care. Finally, the male warrior Sisera is cunningly killed by a woman armed only with household objects. The story is a gender critique of roles attributed to both sexes, especially to women.


Book of Judges 4, gender roles, gender criticism, Deborah, Jael, shame

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Slawik, J. (2020). Deborah and Jael opposite to Barak and Sisera: Gender Roles in Judges 4:1-24. Collectanea Theologica, 90(4), 39–80.

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