Published: 2022-12-31

Non-anthropocentric forest pedagogy

Maksymilian Chutorański
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


Within the framework of the text, with reference to posthumanist thought and new materialism (Braidotti, Barad, Latour) emphasizing the relational character of reality, the causality of non-humans and the limitations of humanism, an attempt is made to raise the question of a non-anthropocentric pedagogy of the forest. The question, then, is how the forest can be understood by educational theory and research that does not presuppose an understanding of education as a specifically human activity and does not understand non-humans as contexts, tools or obstacles to this activity, but as actors characterized by pedagogical agency. To this end, the question of anthropocentric forest pedagogy was first raised and some limitations of such an understanding were pointed out. Next, a non-anthropocentric understanding of the forest and related challenges for pedagogy were pointed out.


non-anthropocentric pedagogy, pedagogy of things, posthumanism, pedagogy of the forest

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Chutorański, M. (2022). Non-anthropocentric forest pedagogy. Pedagogical Forum, 12(2), 127–139.

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