Published: 2018-10-06

Heterotopia of kindergarten, about the “no-place in place”

Lidia Kurcińska
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Debuts


There are places which create their own rituals and circumstances give them functions. The kindergarten seems to be such a place - "a different space". The object of my considerations, in which I applied the understanding of the specific kindergarten space as a “no-place in the place”, are the six principles defining Foucault's heterotopy. Considering each of them, I refer to preschool as an institution which, apart from implementing its basic goals focused on care and supporting child’s development, becomes a unique microcosm for every pupil.


heterotopia, Michel Foucault, kindergarten

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Kurcińska, L. (2018). Heterotopia of kindergarten, about the “no-place in place”. Pedagogical Forum, 8(2), 257–266.

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