Published: 2016-11-16

What ‘to teach philosophy’ means?

Tomasz Niemirowski
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


This article deals with the problem of what teaching of philosophy is and how it should be carried out. The author argues that philosophy teacher should speak not about philosophy itself but about reality. Consequently, teaching of philosophy cannot rely on teaching of the history of philosophy. The author suggests the problem approach combined with the doctrinal, that is, lecture of philosophy should be a set of answers to the most important philosophical questions with particular regard to those the teacher is the most convinced to. Presentation of these views and discussion of them with students seems to be the best way to teach philosophy. Students receive consistent and logical picture of reality, which is the purpose of teaching in general.


teaching philosophy, knowledge of the reality, the objective of teaching

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Niemirowski, T. (2016). What ‘to teach philosophy’ means?. Pedagogical Forum, 5(1), 49–56.

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