Published: 2016-11-16

Basic Hope and a Sense of the Meaning in Life and the Fear of Death among Academic Adolescents

Rafał Pabich
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Articles and essays


The aim of the study was to verify the relationship between basic hope and a sense of the meaning in life and the fear of death. Three methods were used to measure the variables: Basic Hope Inventory (BHI-12) of J. Trzebinski and M. Zieba,  Purpose of Life Test (PLT) of J.C. Crumbaugh and L.T. Maholick and Fear of Death and Dying Scale (FVTS) of R. Ochsmann. The results of studies confirm hypotheses about the existence of relationships between the level of basic hope and a sense of meaning in life and fear of death. The higher the basic hope, the higher meaning of life; the higher the level of basic hope, the less fear of death. Fear of death during independent life period is expressed mainly in fear of annihilation, loss of one’s “self” and the fear of losing people who one loves.


basic hope, sense of meaning in life, fear of death

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Pabich, R. (2016). Basic Hope and a Sense of the Meaning in Life and the Fear of Death among Academic Adolescents. Pedagogical Forum, 5(1), 119–134.

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