Published: 2016-11-19

Insight into educational aspects of formulaic language for multicultural counseling

Huseyin Uysal , Huzeyfe Cakmakci
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Colloquia


Having command of formulaic language, one of the linguistic elements related to the culture, is critical for self-expression and understanding the interlocutor. Thus counselors who are ESL (English as a Second Language) learners might benefit from having skills in formulaic language for providing quality service to their clients. Audio-visual materials which mostly contain formulaic language forms and cultural aspects might be used to help counseling sessions be more helpful and effective. This multidisciplinary study aims at presenting a brief review of the literature about formulaic language and multicultural counseling and then discussing the possible effect of integrating TV shows into ESL classes in the connection between counselor and client. In conclusion we suggest that TV shows might be effective tools to boost figurative language skills and to encourage immersion of ESL learners into culture, which is interrelated with conceiving cultural aspects of communication. As an implication, we present possible approaches to curriculum design, multicultural counseling and teaching English for specific purposes.


ESL, formulaic language, multicultural counseling, therapeutic relationship, TV shows

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Uysal, H., & Cakmakci, H. (2016). Insight into educational aspects of formulaic language for multicultural counseling. Pedagogical Forum, 6(2/2), 289–303.

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