Vol. 35 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-12
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Last 6 months
Czy osoba z zespołem Downa może ważnie zawrzeć małżeństwo w Kościele katolickim? 334
Zaburzenia z pogranicza nerwicy i psychozy a zdolność do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich 318
Dobro dziecka a kolejne nowelizacje Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego 263
Separacja małżeńska – fikcja nierozerwalności czy szansa trwałości związku? 213
The semi-annual journal "Ius Matrimoniale" is a scientific journal of the Faculty of Canon Law at UKSW, which has been published since 1990. Its formula covers mainly the scope of issues concerning ecclesiastical marriage law and family law. The semi-annual "Ius Matrimoniale" is a nationwide journal, published in Polish and in world congress languages. It can be subscribed both in Poland and abroad as part of international scientific exchange.
Publication schedule
The journal is published as a semi-annual one. Thus, two issues are published each calendar year. One at the end of the first half-year and one at the end of the calendar year. The original version is the printed version. Electronic files with individual articles are available under 'Current issue' or 'Archive'.
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