Published: 2020-09-30

Z dziejów klasztoru klarysek chęcińskich w świetle archiwaliów z Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Kielcach

Anna Szylar
Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings
Section: Rozprawy i Artykuły


The article was prepared on the basis of archival materials found in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. The archival resources consist of two volumes of 19th century files, mostly containing correspondence between nuns and diocesan, religious, and secular authorities. Poor Clares lived in Chęciny from 1643 to 1902. Even though the dissolution took place in 1864, the nuns were allowed to remain there until most of them died. The convent was small in terms of the number of nuns. The financial situation of the nuns in the nineteenth century was very difficult, poverty and lack of funds were the reason for the search for various sources of income, which were often not in accordance with canon law. This caused numerous disputes and quarrels among the nuns. Visitors tried in various ways to restore religious discipline. The convent of Poor Clares in Chęciny was closed in 1902; from 1930 to date there has been a Bernardine monastery.


nuns, convent, Chęciny, archives, history, dissolution

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Szylar, A. (2020). Z dziejów klasztoru klarysek chęcińskich w świetle archiwaliów z Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Kielcach . Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings, 27(1), 134–150.

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