Published: 2021-01-20

Rigidity or mercy? The attitude of Cyprian of Carthage towards the problems of the clergy based on his correspondence

Mariusz Szram
Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings
Section: Rozprawy i Artykuły


The problems of the clergy, raised in the letters of St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (+ 258), concerned: involvement in material matters, violation of the vow of chastity, abuses against the Eucharist, disobedience to superiors, and insufficient care for the poor. In most cases, he made decisions combining rigidity and mercy. He gave a chance for conversion through penance, and only when this did not work, did he proceed to the penalty of exclusion from the Church. While he was ruthlessly rigorous with clergymen involved in inheritance affairs, which was connected with the strict African synodal law, he treated the behaviour of the Aquarians, by contrast, as a mere stupidity, deserving forgiveness.


Cyprian, North Africa, mercy, clergy, charity, heresies

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Szram, M. (2021). Rigidity or mercy? The attitude of Cyprian of Carthage towards the problems of the clergy based on his correspondence . Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings, 27(2), 19–31.

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