Published: 2021-03-06

Mishnah about the consequences of the mistakes of the Sanhedrin, High Priest or King

Roman Marcinkowski
Gdańsk Studies
Section: Artykuły


The mistakes of the Sanhedrin, High Priest or the King became the subject of considerations of the authors of the Mishnah. Their opinions on this subject were collected in the tractate Horayot (“Instructions”), which discusses this issue in detail, pointing to the collective or individual responsibility in specific situations, when it is not the court but the individual legislators that are obligated to make atonement sacrifices for sin. The tractate also clarifies here the matters relating to the High Priest and the King who broke the law for various reasons, provides the legal basis for proceedings in the event of a mistake of the Sanhedrin or the High Priest and indicates the sacrifices to be made in such cases.

The study is based on the content of the Mishnah tractate Horayot, which clarifies in the first chapter the legal issues related to the cases in which the court ruled against one of the commandments of the Torah. Chapter two contains the rulings about the anointed priest who made a decision unconsciously. The third chapter deals with legal sanctions regarding an anointed priest who has sinned.

The tractate Horayot closes the fourth Order of the Mishnah Nezikin (”Damages”), which, according to Maimonides, has its justification: after presenting highly ethical behaviour in the penultimate in this Order tractate Pirkei Avot (”Maxims of the Fathers”)  the time has come to point out human errors and weaknesses.


Judaism, Talmud, Mishnah, Horayot

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Marcinkowski, R. (2021). Mishnah about the consequences of the mistakes of the Sanhedrin, High Priest or King . Gdańsk Studies, 46, 187–207.

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