Editorial Team


Editor-in-Chief: Adam Świeżyński, UKSW in Warsaw, Insitute of Philosophy, Poland (a.swiezynski@uksw.edu.pl)

PhilPeople / ORCID


Deputy Editor: Kordula Świętorzecka, UKSW in Warsaw, Insitute of Philosophy, Poland

PhilPeople / ORCID


Assistant Editor: Dariusz Kucharski, UKSW in Warsaw, Insitute of Philosophy, Poland

PhilPeople / ORCID


Assistant Editor: Michał Piekarski, UKSW in Warsaw, Insitute of Philosophy, Poland

PhilPeople / ORCID

Prof. Michał PIEKARSKI • Wszystko co najważniejsze


Associate Editor: Mark Harris, University of Oxford, Harris Manchester College, UK 

PhilPeople / ORCID

Prof. Mark Harris


Associate Editor: Dean Komel, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy, Slovenia

PhilPeople / ORCID

Prof. dr. Dean Komel - intervju za Delo | Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v  Ljubljani


Associate Editor: Mariusz Tabaczek, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum, Thomistic Insitute, Italy

PhilPeople / ORCID

Instytut Tomistyczny on X: "Kolejny z pracowników IT to Mariusz Tabaczek  OP. Doktorat uzyskał na GTU w Berkeley, potem rok był w Notre Dame.  https://t.co/5CmKshXIXr https://t.co/O3gbDL1ldx" / X


Language Editors:

  • Simone Marini, PhD. (University College Dublin - graduate) - English (proofread)
  • Alicja Brzuska-Kępa, PhD. (University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology) - Polish
  • Ewa Różańska, MA. (University of Gdansk - graduate) - Polish

The 60th Anniversary of the SPCh

SPCh Anniversary Conference


Presentation of the 60 most interesting articles published in SPCh: '60/60 the best of SPCh' (Announcements)


Presentation of events, figures and interesting facts from the history of the SPCh: '60 year have passed...' (Announcements)


Supported by Ministry of Education and Science RP

ISSN: 0585-5470
eISSN: 2720-0531

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

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